Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Cupcake Girl

This is a picture of our little cutie passed out on her changing table. Getting dressed was just too much for her, it wore her out!
Autumn went for a check-up today. She gained 10 0z in a week. She's up to 6 lbs and 14 ozs now. Some of her clothes are actually starting to fit.
Lee went back to work Monday and I cried. It has been so wonderful having him at home with us. He is an excellent dad! Autumn and I got ready later and made our first trip into town together. I hadn't driven in 2 weeks and to be honest I was nervous. Lee thought I was losing it! I deal with children who have all types of limitations on a daily basis. I suction feeding tubes and trachs, change diapers, restrain out of control kids, etc. all without blinking. Yet, the thought of taking my own little angel into town by myself terrified me. We made it though! Autumn got her birth certificate and then we stopped by to see Daddy and all of his co-workers. :)

1 comment:

Talitha said...

Cupcake Autumn! That little outfit is really cute! :) I am glad you're going to be posting stuff up on here--it makes me happy! <><