Thursday, December 25, 2008

False Alarm

Just thought I'd share what an interesting Christmas Eve we had. Lee and I went to the doctor yesterday and they set up my induction for Monday at 4am. Then, we decided to head over to the mall and get Lee some new dress clothes. After a short visit with Mike and Tasha we finally got home. I was exhausted!!!! Around 7pm I started having contractions. Well, they begin to come closer and closer together. Around 11pm they were coming 3-7 minutes apart. Then, I thought (key word... thought) my water broke. So, Lee and I decided to go the hospital and let them check me out. They decided to hook me up to the monitor. Turns out my water didn't actually break. Oops! But, I was having legit contractions. They were were still coming 3-7 minutes apart (not consistent enough) but they were getting stronger and stronger. It was around 1am at this point. What happens next is just plain irritating!

They decided to send me home instead of letting me walk around or giving me more time. The nurse suggested I try to get some rest and that I could come back later if my contractions became real painful. Well, she asked if I wanted something to help ease the discomfort. I was led to believe I was getting something mild like a Tylenol PM. (which knocks me out usually) Little did I know she actually gave me a very strong sleeping pill. Which by the way, she made sure I took before we left. Let's just say by the time Lee pulled into our driveway, I couldn't even walk. I managed to get my pjs on before the real fun began. Apparently, I had a horrific reaction to the pill and I spent the next 20-25 minutes bent over the toliet, tossing up my cookies. By this time, Autumn decided she had enough fun for one night and my contractions began to ease off. Poor kid. If I hadn't taken the pill, she may have decided to come. The pill apparently slowed everything down. Which is probably what the nurse intended. I'm sure no doctor actually wanted to have to deliver a baby on Christmas morning.

Lee and I finally got in the bed and crashed! Meanwhile, poor Gen and Mom, had been on standby at home. Gen was so tired she fell asleep in her jeans. And, Mom despite the fact that she stayed up half the night worrying about me, still managed to serve us a fantastic Christmas meal today! My family is awesome!

1 comment:

Gena Horne said...

You were wrong! She didn't come on Christmas, I just read your comment...I was pen in the belly! If Autumn goes missing..I took her!! We must get you some pictures up soon!