Sunday, October 19, 2008

Surving Gestational Diabetes :(

Yesterday marked the 30th week of my pregnancy with Autumn. We only have about 10 weeks to go!!! I am thankful, especially considering the struggles I have been going through. I was so upset when they told me I had gestational diabetes. I have been going to the Diabetic Clinic on a weekly basis. I have followed their recommended diets perfectly. However, my body just doesn't want to cooperate (especially in the mornings) I have been on insulin for 3 days now. Lee has been wonderful. He has been giving me my injections at night because I don't like to look at the needle. It doesn't really hurt. I just don't like to look at it. After, being extremely depressed about this for the past two weeks, I have realized that there is a reason for everything. I know that all of this will be worth it in the end when we get to see our sweet little girl. Until then, i just have to take it one day at a time.

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